Marketing Hook

Communicating a Mystical Brand Message

The Beverly Psychic case study

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Communicating a Mystical Brand Message

Marketing Hook

The Beverly Psychic came to life due to Summer Evans’ research in the human energy field and its correlation to love, relationships, and career. She offers psychic energy reading, tarot card reading, and palm reading.

Her 99% accuracy rate and quality predictions offer clients a happy medium between impact and authenticity.

Industry - Psychic


Skepticism is rife in the psychic industry due to credibility concerns, unethical practices, and customer satisfaction issues. The industry is unregulated, and there is no standardized accreditation or certification. We aimed to help The Beverly Psychic capture attention with a compelling hook while increasing trust.


We created a marketing hook reinforcing The Beverly Psychic’s brand message to provide clarity through proven accuracy.


Summer Evans, owner of The Beverly Psychic, faced a daunting challenge. Despite possessing extraordinary gifts to offer spiritual guidance and coaching, she struggled to communicate her services. Recognizing the need for improvement, The Beverly Psychic sought Kizkopop’s expertise.


Initially, Summer wanted a message that fits all she does, but simply. The need to mention her services in one sentence was overwhelming and challenging. A phrase that merged career, love, and relationships sounded ideal, but cramming them into a short message wasn’t the right approach.


We used our proprietary Six Thinking Pens™ framework to uncover the correct approach to improving The Beverly Psychic’s communication challenges.

  • Clarity [The Blue Pen] - We outlined the project objectives, challenges, and parameters to understand the assignment and how it relates to the broader brand goals.
  • Research [The White Pen] - The psychic industry has grappled with a skeptical audience influenced by negative stereotypes and past negative experiences. Historically, the industry has faced significant challenges impacting practitioners and clients who approach psychic services with reservations. It became evident that trust was a core concern among people seeking extra-sensory paranormal experiences. We pivoted from creating a company-centered statement to an audience-centered one.
  • Emotions [The Red Pen] - Consumers have doubts about the psychic industry and its practitioners that affect how they engage with services. They’re furious that the Sylvia Brownes of the world prey on their grief and vulnerability for a dollar. The prevailing emotions we encountered were fear, anger, and disappointment. This insight made us consider empathy in our message.
  • Creativity [The Green Pen] - We explored various writing devices, including alliteration and personification. When we looked at Summer’s competitors, we noticed their messaging lacked the charm that makes foretelling magical. We included wordplay to make the hook whimsical and enchanting.
  • Objectivity [The Black Pen] - The Beverly Psychic operates in Beverly, Massachusetts, just 13 minutes from Salem, Massachusetts, birthplace of the infamous Salem witch trials of 1692. Summer’s top competitors reference the city’s past and dark history in their messaging. So, to stand out, we focused our messaging on the future.
  • Optimism [The Yellow Pen] - One significant observation among the competitors’ messaging was the lack of human-interest words. It sounded like they spoke to a group instead of a person. We believed that including words like you and your was beneficial to personalize the marketing hook.


We created a marketing hook with a play on words. It’s catchy and resonates with the audience's desire for trust.


We presented The Beverly Psychic with two options to choose from. They solicited client feedback, and their clients agreed that the hook we see is the most compelling.

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“I needed a message that showed my audience I could help them with their careers and love. But through working with Kizkopop, I realized my audience wanted reassurance. So, they created a hook that perfectly explains what I do (palm readings) and how I do it (with 99% accuracy).”  - Summer Evans | Owner, The Beverly Psychic

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